2021 Season Update
To our TBLC community,
As we continue to learn more from the OLA regarding Return-to-Play, we are working hard to create engaging programming for our club membership at all skill levels. At the outset, please note that all programs the club will offer this season will comply with all public health measures and fall within the OLA Return-to-Play guidelines. This means that we can begin group training with 25 bubbled athletes (no scrimmages) when our region moves to the “Red – Control” and can move to a more significant grouping of 50 bubbled athletes with modified games (no contact) in the “Orange – Restrict”.
Previously we have communicated about the combined field/box house league program and the girls field rep programs, but have an update to the Girls program to share. Girls Spring Ball annually begins at artificial turf Cherry Beach Sports Fields in late March, and then we move to natural turf McCowan District Park in mid-May. Unfortunately due to strict Covid restrictions applying to the City of Toronto, we do not expect to be allowed to proceed with the artificial turf (Cherry Beach) segment. However, we do expect to proceed with the natural turf (McCowan) part as early as mid-May.
We will continue to update the community when we learn more.
Rep Box Program
For TBLC players who have previously played Rep Box, or those who are looking for extra development in box lacrosse (previous experience required), we are offering a weekly, 90-minute development session to be held on outdoor pads (Kew Park, Monarch Park), led by qualified coaches and Jr A player volunteers.
Development program: May/June/July – exact start date is dependent on the public health framework.
Program extension: If all goes well with public health measures, we plan to offer an extension of the program, adding a second day of the week and include scrimmages with Mimico in the summer months.
Tentative schedule: Click here for the age/division chart.
U11 (formerly Novice) – Tuesdays
U13 (formerly Peewee) – Mondays
U15 (formerly Bantam) – Thursday
U17 (formerly Midget) – Wednesday
U22 (formerly Intermediate) – Tuesdays
For our younger U9 (formerly Tyke) players, we encourage them to participate in our combined Field/Box House League program. Information about that program can be found Here.
Interest in Program: Please fill out this Form to let us know you are interested in learning more about this program. We will be sending out more details, including registration links, to those who have signed up.
Filling out this form does not guarantee a spot, nor does it constitute a registration.
Cost: $200 for the 90-minute weekly development program to run for 10 weeks.
If the program needs to be shortened, we will adjust the fees accordingly. Program extension with scrimmages against Mimico are additional.
Girls Rep Lacrosse
Our Coaching Selection Committee of Samantha Kidd, Gregory Peck, Jesse Porter, Paul Swanson and Lindsay Whiston-Babcock are pleased to announce the following 2021 Rep Head Coaches:
U11 Adèle Swanson
U13 Alison May-Kosiewski
U15 Samantha Kidd, Rachel Reynolds & Heather McDougall (co-HCs)
U17 Jesse Porter
U19-1 Geneva Calder
U19-2 Dennis Kehoe
Any committee member related to a candidate recused him/herself from that candidate’s consideration and selection.
We thank all applicants and wish our 2021 Rep Head Coaches the best of success!
Please follow our social channels for club-wide updates: Facebook Instagram Twitter
Jennifer Price
TBLC President