Fall Lacrosse Programs
Toronto Beaches Lacrosse Club is happy to offer a number of fall lacrosse club and development programs for both boys and girls from senior kindergarten to Grade 8! The fall programs are a great way to keep upping the skills, especially for our younger players, throughout the autumn months.
How to Register
If you ALREADY HAVE a SportzSoft login, here is the registration link: SportzSoft
Please login and register for the program(s) your child(ren) is intending to play this season.
1. Please make sure to pay the 2019 Club Membership Fee Fee ($95) once per child, per season.
2. If you wish email communication to go to TWO email addresses, please make sure BOTH are listed under the Primary Parent/Guardian profile.
Field Lax Development
“Boys” Field Lax Development Program
Open to both boys and girls
Following OMFLL rules
Sundays at Cherry Fields
Girls Fall Ball
SK-Grade 4
Tuesday nights
At Bessborough Public School
Fun for all ages and skills
Girls Fall Ball
Grades 5-8
Grades 9-12
At Cherry Fields