Spring Field Season Possibly Delayed
On behalf of the Toronto Beaches Lacrosse Club, I wanted to reach out and offer our best wishes to all of our lacrosse families during this difficult time. We hope that you are well, and coping as best you can under the circumstances. I also wanted to provide you with a brief update on the information that we have been given by the OMFLL, our governing body for spring field lacrosse.
All clubs received an email from the commissioner, so I wanted to share its contents with you. First, any release of schedules, which would have been forthcoming under normal circumstances, has been delayed due to the anticipation of not being able to start play April 11, 2020 as originally planned. Second, the league is in regular contact with the Ontario Lacrosse Association, who are doing their best to gather the necessary information to be able to make decisions and make fact-based directives to all member clubs. And lastly, that the OMFLL is exploring all kinds of contingency plans, and that they remain committed to keeping their member clubs informed as best they can.
As a club, we appreciate your patience during this time, as we are committed to following the lead of our governing bodies for all of our teams – boys field, box, girls field and house league.
Please be assured that as soon as we receive any additional information, we will pass it along to our club families in a timely manner.
Thank you,
John Salter
VP – Men’s Rep. Field
Toronto Beaches Lacrosse Club