Notice of AGM and new Bylaws

You are invited to attend, in person, the Toronto Beaches Lacrosse Club Annual General Meeting.

Date: Wednesday October 16th, 2024
Time:  7:00pm
Location: The Hide Out
(2282 Queen St. E., Toronto, M4E 1G6)

Toronto Beaches Lacrosse Club is a not-for-profit organization that relies on the participation of volunteers to run all of its programs. The AGM is an opportunity for members to hear about the 2024 Season, vote on proposed by-law amendments and participate in the election of candidates seeking Board positions for the upcoming term. In addition, each program shall announce their selection for Coach of the Year, and a member of our club receive the Linda Blogg Award for outstanding Volunteer of the Year.

We will also be introducing our 2024 inductee into the Builder’s Hall of Fame.

The following Board positions are currently up for election.

(Descriptions/responsibilities of Board positions can be found in the attached TBLC By-Laws, Article 6)

2-Year Positions for election

VP Field (Incumbent: Edna Chua)
VP GWLAX (Incumbent: Paul Swanson)
Director of Apparel (Incumbent: Ashley Kane)
Registrar of Rep (Incumbent: Debra Noble)
Director of Marketing & Communications (Incumbent: Sarah Collins)
Director of Tournaments (vacant)

1-Year Positions

Director — GWLAX Pre-Teen Programs (vacant)
Director — GWLAX Teen Programs (vacant)
Director at Large — Field (Incumbent: Corie Langdon)
Director at Large — Field (Incumbent: Rod Elliot)
Director at Large — Rep Box (Incumbent: Carole-Anne Chiasson)
Director at Large — House League (Incumbent: Lauren Homuth)
Director at Large — House League Championship Day (vacant)
Director at Large — Technical (Incumbent: John Steele)
Director at Large — Social Media (vacant)
Director at Large — Junior A Liaison (Incumbent: Brad Parolin)

We’ve been fortunate over the past few years to have had some veteran members step up and cover the vacant Board positions, enabling us to continue to provide the Lacrosse opportunities that our kids both want and deserve.

Please take a look at the remaining available positions, and if interested, either reach out to the TBLC President, Jennifer Price at or come out to the AGM to find out more about how you can join the Board, or volunteer with the club.

Amendments/Resolutions of By-Laws

Whereas paragraph 2 of Article 11 of the By-Laws requires that all amendments to the Toronto Beaches Lacrosse Club (“TBLC”) By-Laws be sent to members no less than 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”); and

Whereas the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (“ONCA”) requires or recommends a series of changes to by-laws and articles of incorporation, which include the following:

(1) Membership structures and voting rights shall be outlined in the corporation’s articles;
(2) Dissolution clause shall be outlined in the corporation’s articles;
(3) Non-voting members shall have a right to vote as a class for certain decisions;
(4) Members may put forward proposals at annual general meetings and special meetings;
(5) Allows a not-for-profit corporation to provide in its by-laws other means of voting (by mail, telephone or electronic means) in addition to, or in place of, voting by proxies;
(6) Allows a member of a corporation to appoint a proxy holder, but only if the articles or the by-laws of the corporation permit it;
(7) New eligibility criteria for directors;
(8) Minimum number of directors and maximum terms for directors;
(9) Distinction between public benefit corporations and other not-for-profit corporations;
(10) Greater flexibility for financial reporting;
(11) Requirement to registered and obtain a corporate key and login from the OBR to access records; and

Whereas TBLC must review, update and file its governing documents no later than October 18, 2024; and

Whereas a duly-passed resolution of the Members on October 25, 2023 instructed the Board to revise the ByLaws so that they comply with ONCA;

Now Therefore Be It Resolved That:

The members of TBLC approve the following attached ByLaws to supersede and replace the current ByLaws.

Hope to see you Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at The Hide Out!